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 1st LTT 22-26 November 2021


1st LTT  22-26 November 2021 Isparta 

The 1st LTT was completed  between 22 and 26 November 2021.

On the 1st day the students presented  their  presentations about their country ,city and school. They prepared these using WEB 2.0 tools ( Canva ,Prezzi ,Animoto etc.) Then they set up the international groups and studied about digital security and digital ethics. They collaborated and prepared some banners,presentations and leaflet  usi,ng WEB 2.0 tools.Then they discovered the city. The teachers  visited the Isparta Applied University and had a seminar about how to prepare digital educational materials using digital tools and WEB 2.0 tools. This education will be also planned online after the 1st mobility. As.Prof. Ebru Ä°nce will organize online education and each partner school should join them. Each partner school will announce their teachers and they will join these education. Then  we had a city tour

On the 2nd day  the students studied about technology use in classrooms at home and work . In their international group they  prepared  safety guides about them using WEB 2.0 tools. Then they had the cultural point .This activity they talked about their culture and cultural features.(Music, religion ifamily  life  , life style, dance etc.)

On the 3rd day as planned we had a tour to Antalya and visited Perge Antic City ,City museum and Old Town.  We visited historical Yivli Minaret Mosque and  Mevlevihane .The guide explained their role in the historyand answered the guests questions.

On the 4th day the students  presented  their all works during the week .And they were given some digital problems and they were wanted to solve together . Also they had the game about digital security and collaboration. And  we had the farewell dinner .

On the 5th day the students  studied about the 1st e-magazine about digital security .After we had the certificate ceremony.  The teachers had the meeting  about the future meeting and project intellectual outline. Isparta Anatolian High School shared their work plan and every partner has their responsibility about it.Students e-magazine  here

The students prepared safety guide leaflets about using technology in Classrooms , at home and  at work.You can see them here 

Work 1 

Work 2

Work 3 

Work 4 

Work 5

Work 6

Work 7

Work 8

During the LTT ,the teachers have studied  the stages of preparation of digital education materials, the methods to be chosen according to the purpose and needs, and various legal information. The content of the prepared training  includes goal analysis, determination of the characteristics of learning and learner, content analysis and design, content and integration of the selected digital tool, and the introduction and use of the material into the distance learning environment. In this way, participants will be able to prepare their own digital materials by considering their own lessons, students, and opportunities

The host school ,Gazi Social Sciences High School , and  Isparta University of Applied Sciences collaborated and  prepared  the education.The participant teachers checked the studies and good practises.

You can see the documents here  and the  link here

Document  1 

And the teachers visited the Isparta University of Applied Sciences and 

Asst.Prof.Dr. Ebru YILMAZ Ä°NCE ( Department of Computer Technologies ) 

gave a seminar about Digital Education Materials

Document 2

We have studied how to prepare digital materials and some basic steps about them. 

You can see the document and link here  


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