Our New Life in Noxious Epidemic
"Grigore Antipa" Technological High School is an educational institution subordinated to the School Inspectorate from Bacau, which has the role in education and training young people between 14 and 19 years old.
"Grigore Antipa" High School has worked since 1960 with theoretical profile, and in 1975 due to economic changes, was converted in a chemistry high school. Political changes have had dramatic implications on the economic environment. School has adapted to changes, proposing new fields for the actual labour market. It offers quality in all training fields and equality of chances for all the students in the area, in accordance with their social and professional wishes.
"Grigore Antipa" High School receives about 850 secondary school's graduates, who specialize in five profiles in accordance with the requirements of the labour market, at regional and local level:
Natural resources and environmental protection;
Food Industry;
Services (catering, tourism).
A large number of students studying in our school come from rural areas (85%), with social and financial needs, with one or both parents left to work abroad. A small number of students (5%) have special educational needs: mental, visual, physical.
In 2019, the school had 889 students enrolled at the beginning of the school year and 85% of them finished school (755 students). A number of 134 students left school without a degree. Due to our VET fields, some students took part in regional VET Olympics and 14 of them took prizes and awards and at national level, 3 students took part and 1 received an award.
The school has a group of teacher well prepared from a professional point of view. They try to compensate the social economic disadvantage of the students belonging to poor families, with unemployed parents or poor level of education. Our school has 64 qualified teachers (35 general education teachers and 23 VET teachers). 55.07% of them have the first degree in education and 2 of them have PhD. Speaking about the rest of the staff, the school has 28 persons, among which 1 librarian, 2 secretaries, 2 accountants, 2 information technicians, 2 cooks, 1 pedagogic responsible, 4 guardians.
The main building has a modern and functional "H" shape with 22 classrooms and 30 administrative offices. The school has a boarding school and a canteen where students eat and sleep. Another building has laboratories and workshops where students use specialised equipment. The gymnasium and the sports field is a good place where students practise sports.
A good quality education is accompanied by partnerships between school and economic agents where our students do practical training. The school has a good relationship with the local community developing a serious of actions in forming, educating and training students.
"Grigore Antipa" Technological High School wants to be a competitive school, recognized by the local community and wants to offer to its students an environment conducive to mental development, professional and moral of students and ensure their insertion in the labour market. Liberal concepts compel school to let students choose religious classes they want to follow: Orthodox, Catholic, Baptist, etc. The relevant to our students' development are freedom of expression and freedom of thought.
School aims to accomplish the challenges of the 21st century: young people better prepared for the labour market and teachers interested in activities / training / development projects throughout life. The intent is to become an active school focused on creativity and innovation, on expanding skills and experiences and the sharing of knowledge obtained in other circumstances.
Students are involved in different extracurricular activities and school projects within the school or local community where they demonstrate their talents along with students from other schools, economic agents, representatives of local authorities: "Minichef Academy", "About bread ...with love", "European mobility week", "Organic and bio", "Eco Interference", "Fair pies", "Pretzels bells", "For healthy eating", "Christmas Fair", "Tourism all around", "History pastry", "Dough comes alive", "Easter ornaments".
Students are interested in topics related to music, theatre, sport and participate in events that occur in the community. They are passionate about technology and work on various projects to develop digital literacy. The students are very active in social media and they are open minded.
The school also runs European projects which received funding from the European Commission from 2004. In the last three years, the high school has been partner in several projects: Erasmus+ project, action key 2 for Vocational Education Training "European Carbon Footprint Optimisation" (2017), Erasmus + projects, action key 2, strategic partnership between schools: "We are all different, but we all smile in the same way!” (2018), “Stop Cyber Bullying – Be Kind Online” (2019), “We Share Our Books, We Shape Our Culture”(2019), “Active Citizens in Europe” (2019), “Water Garden (2020) and “Our New Life in Noxious Epidemic” (2021).
The school also coordinates an Erasmus+ project, key action 2, for school education “Embracing European Values through Tales” (2018) and an Erasmus+ project, key action 1 for staff mobility: “Gândim occidental acÈ›ionă, local!” (2019).
We also got accreditation for our school for the Erasmus+ projects starting from 2021. Our accreditation number is: 2020-1-RO01-KA120-SCH-095431